Safecracking Simulator Roblox

This is the unofficial Thief Simulator wiki, created to give information about the game to players. Note: This wiki is for the original PC version of the game, developed by Noble Muffins. There are console and VR versions created by different developers using an earlier patch version of the game.

Safe cracking simulator code

Safe Cracking Simulator Roblox Wiki

Mar 11th, 2020

Safe Cracking Simulator Roblox Infinite

Safecracking Simulator Roblox

Roblox 💰 Safe Cracking Simulator

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  1. _G.WaitTime =5-- Increase if your game loads slowly
  2. _G.Difficulty ='Insane'-- 'Easy','Normal','Hard','Insane'
  3. _G.RoundSkip =true-- Votes to skip to the next round
  4. y =math.random(500000,1000000)
  5. wait(_G.WaitTime)
  6. print('Location: Lobby')
  7. HRP = game:WaitForChild('Players').LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  8. print('SoloPlay: On')
  9. for _,Elevators inpairs(game:GetService('Workspace').Elevators:GetDescendants())do
  10. if Elevators:IsA('TextLabel')and Elevators.Name 'Display'and Elevators.Text '0/4'then
  11. HRP.CFrame = Elevators.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Regions.Part.CFrame
  12. end
  13. print('SoloPlay: On')
  14. for _,Elevators inpairs(game:GetService('Workspace').Elevators:GetDescendants())do
  15. if Elevators:IsA('TextLabel')and Elevators.Name 'Display'then
  16. if Elevators.Text '1/4'or Elevators.Text '2/4'and Elevators.Text '3/4'then
  17. HRP.CFrame = Elevators.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Regions.Part.CFrame
  18. print('ERROR - If you get this please message House on V3rmillion')
  19. end
  20. end
  21. wait(.3)
  22. print('Teleporting to '..tostring(x)..' '..tostring(y)..' '..tostring(z))
  23. elseif game.PlaceId ~=3260590327then
  24. RS = game:WaitForChild('ReplicatedStorage')
  25. print('RoundSkip: On')
  26. RS.RemoteEvent:FireServer('Difficulty','Vote',_G.Difficulty)
  27. RS.RemoteEvent:FireServer('Vote','Skip')
  28. elseifnot_G.RoundSkip then
  29. print('Difficulty: '.._G.Difficulty)
  30. RS.RemoteEvent:FireServer('Difficulty','Vote',_G.Difficulty)
  31. end

Safe Cracking Simulator Code