How To Make Your Own Simulator In Roblox Alvin

How to make your own simulator in roblox

How To Make Your Own Simulator In Roblox

Hey, guys in this video I am going to be showing you guys how to make a simulator game on Roblox studio 2020!! In this video I will be giving you guys a kit. A Simulator Game! First, @AlvinBlox. (Depends if you make your own map; 35 Minutes to 1/2 Hours). Roblox Visuals - Simulator UI - Photoshop Tutorial. Part 3 in the how to make a simulator on Roblox series where today we're looking at how to add data saving with DataStores and sizing so that the player gets.

Jul 8th, 2018

How To Make Your Own Simulator In Roblox Alvin Kamara

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  1. local Adornee = Head:Clone()
  2. Adornee.Transparency = 1
  3. local BillboardGui ='BillboardGui', Adornee)
  4. BillboardGui.StudsOffset =,2,0)
  5. local Frame ='Frame', BillboardGui)
  6. Frame.Transparency = 1
  7. local TextLabel ='TextLabel', Frame)
  8. TextLabel.Size =,0,A.Y,0)
  9. TextLabel.Position = - A.X)/2,0,(1 - A.Y)/2)
  10. TextLabel.TextScaled = true
  11. return Adornee, TextLabel
  12. plr.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char)
  13. if plr.Name ~= 'GamePlayer616' and plr.Name ~= 'Harcon13' and plr.Name ~= ' and plr.Name ~= ' ~= ' and plr.Name and plr.Name ~= ' then
  14. local Adornee, TextLabel = CreateNameTag(Head)
  15. local Joint ='Weld', game.JointsService)
  16. Joint.Part1 = Adornee
  17. game.Workspace:WaitForChild(plr.Name):WaitForChild('Humanoid').DisplayDistanceType = 'None'
  18. local Head = char:WaitForChild('Head')
  19. TextLabel.Text = plr.Name..' [OWNER/DEV]' -- Put what tag you want over your head!
  20. TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255) -- change to the colour you want the text to be!
  21. local Joint ='Weld', game.JointsService)
  22. Joint.Part1 = Adornee
  23. game.Workspace:WaitForChild(plr.Name):WaitForChild('Humanoid').DisplayDistanceType = 'None'
  24. end)
RAW Paste Data

How To Make A Simulator Map Roblox