Flash Simulator On Roblox

ObscureEntity is the lead developer and programmer at Rumble Studios. Together with his team, he helped bring to life some of the biggest, most popular games on Roblox, including Bubble Gum Simulator, Mining Simulator, Runway Rumble, Crazy Knives, and many more. Make iconic game experiences. Cape of Cyan Wisdom. If you like anime, you’ll be fascinated with this twisted game about a high school girl from Japan. She is in love with her classmate, but there are many other girls who want to win his heart.

May 29th, 2012
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  1. local bright = game.Lighting.Brightness
  2. function prop(part, parent, collide, tran, ref, x, y, z, color, anchor, form)
  3. part.formFactor = form
  4. part.Transparency = tran
  5. part.Size = Vector3.new(x,y,z)
  6. part.TopSurface = 0
  7. part.Anchored = anchor
  8. part:BreakJoints()
  9. function thunder(pos)
  10. local scale = 1
  11. repeat
  12. local p = Instance.new('Part')
  13. prop(p,workspace,true,0,0,5,si,5,'Bright violet',true,'Custom')
  14. p.CFrame = CFrame.new(p.Position) * CFrame.Angles(math.random(-120,120)/100,math.random(-30,30)/100,math.random(-120,120)/100) * CFrame.new(0,-si/2,0)
  15. scale = si
  16. until last.y < 14
  17. ex.BlastRadius = 22
  18. ex.Position = last * CFrame.new(0,-scale/2,0).p
  19. pew.SoundId = 'rbxasset://soundsHalloweenLightning.wav'
  20. pew.Pitch = math.random(85,120)/100
  21. for i=1,math.random(5,25) do
  22. game.Lighting.Brightness = 9999
  23. game.Lighting.Brightness = bright
  24. wait()
  25. game.Lighting.Brightness = bright
  26. wait(0.05)
  27. wait(math.random(10,80)/100)
  28. for _,v in pairs(lights) do
  29. for i=0,1,0.25 do
  30. v.Transparency = i
  31. v:remove()
  32. end
  33. wait(math.random(1,300)/100)
  34. thunder(Vector3.new(math.random(-250,250),math.random(700,1000),math.random(-250,250)))
  35. end

Best Simulators In Roblox

Roblox Best Simulator Games

Aug 20th, 2015

Good Simulators Roblox

Flash Simulator On Roblox
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  1. local p=game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer
  2. local surf='SmoothNoOutlines'
  3. if not c then error'Cannot find character, please respawn, then rerun the script' end
  4. -- Flashlight Handle
  5. hand.BrickColor=BrickColor.DarkGray()
  6. hand.Anchored=false
  7. hand.CanCollide=false
  8. hand.Size=Vector3.new(1,1,2)
  9. local fe=Instance.new'Part'
  10. fe.Parent=c
  11. fe.Locked=true
  12. fe.FormFactor='Custom'
  13. fe.TopSurface,hand.BottomSurface=surf,surf
  14. -- Welding stuff
  15. -- Flash to Right Arm
  16. weld1.Parent=hand
  17. weld1.Part1=c['Right Arm']
  18. local weld2=Instance.new'Weld'
  19. weld2.Part0=hand
  20. weld2.C0=CFrame.new(0, 0, 1)
  21. -- Right Arm Weld
  22. ra.Parent=c['Torso']
  23. ra.Part1=c['Torso']
  24. ra.C0=CFrame.new(-1.5,1,0)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(180),0,0)
  25. -- Flashlight Functionality
  26. local flashlightOn = false
  27. p:GetMouse().Button1Down:connect(function()
  28. if flashlightOn then
  29. light=Instance.new'SurfaceLight'
  30. light.Range=32
  31. light.Brightness=2
  32. else
  33. if light then light:destroy() end
  34. end
  35. spawn(function()
  36. if flashlightOn then
  37. Battery=Battery-1
  38. else
  39. Battery=Battery+1
  40. end
  41. end
  42. -- Turning off flashlight if the battery is too low
  43. while wait() do
  44. flashlightOn=false
  45. fe.BrickColor=BrickColor.new'Black'
  46. end
  47. end)
  48. local stepped = game:GetService'RunService'.RenderStepped

First Simulator Game On Roblox