Wil D Savannah Hack Roblox

Wild savannah hack roblox

May 13th, 2017
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Exploits For Roblox Wild Savannah

  1. local Tool = Instance.new('HopperBin', game.Players.Localplayer.Backpack)
  2. local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  3. Tool.Selected:connect(function()
  4. if Tool.Active true then
  5. if Mouse.Target and Mouse.Target.Parent:IsA('Model') then
  6. game.Players[Mouse.Target.Parent.Name]:Move(Vector3.new(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge))
  7. end
  8. end)

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Apr 30th, 2018
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  1. attachment4 = Instance.new('Attachment',player.Character['Right Leg'])
  2. attachment5 = Instance.new('Attachment',player.Character['Right Leg'])
  3. attachment6 = Instance.new('Attachment',player.Character['Right Leg'])
  4. attachment7 = Instance.new('Attachment',player.Character['Right Leg'])
  5. attachment5.Position = Vector3.new(-0.5, -0.7, -0.5)
  6. attachment6.Position = Vector3.new(-0.5, -0.7, 0.5)
  7. attachment7.Position = Vector3.new(0.5, -1, -0.5)
  8. trail2 = Instance.new('Trail',player.Character['Right Leg'])
  9. trail3 = Instance.new('Trail',player.Character['Right Leg'])
  10. trail2.Attachment1 = attachment5
  11. trail3.Attachment1 = attachment7
  12. trail2.Lifetime = 1.5
  13. trail3.MaxLength = 0
  14. trail3.MinLength = 0
  15. --#----------#--
  16. attachment0 = Instance.new('Attachment',player.Character['Left Leg'])
  17. attachment1 = Instance.new('Attachment',player.Character['Left Leg'])
  18. attachment2 = Instance.new('Attachment',player.Character['Left Leg'])
  19. attachment3 = Instance.new('Attachment',player.Character['Left Leg'])
  20. attachment1.Position = Vector3.new(-0.5, -0.7, -0.5)
  21. attachment2.Position = Vector3.new(-0.5, -0.7, 0.5)
  22. attachment3.Position = Vector3.new(0.5, -1, -0.5)
  23. trail0 = Instance.new('Trail',player.Character['Left Leg'])
  24. trail1 = Instance.new('Trail',player.Character['Left Leg'])
  25. trail0.Attachment1 = attachment1
  26. trail1.Attachment1 = attachment3
  27. trail0.Lifetime = 1.5
  28. trail1.MaxLength = 0
  29. trail1.MinLength = 0
  30. --#--------------------#--
  31. ff = Instance.new('ForceField', player.Character)
  32. wait()
  33. game.Workspace.CaptainFiliNox.Humanoid.Health = 100
RAW Paste Data

Color Exploits Wild Savannah Roblox