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- ]]--
- local Aura_Range =200-- Edit here
- local AmountOfDamage =20-- Edit here for insta destroy
- --[[ Keybind Settings --]]
- Q - Insta Destroy
- V - Kill Aura
- warn('Made by Hamii (Hamii#4518) / Tritium (on v3rm), thanks for kill aura helping Floof!')
- local Player = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
- local Folder = workspace.Critters
- local Damage =function(Part)
- local A = Part
- local C ={
- origin = Player.Character.Head.Position,
- velocity = Player.Character.Head.CFrame.lookVector *,100,500),
- age =os.time(),
- object = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').Projectiles:findFirstChild('Bolt')
- local D =(Player.Character.Head.Position - Part.Position).magnitude
- game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').Events.ProjectileImpact:FireServer(A, B, C, D)
- end
- Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
- for i =1, AmountOfDamage do
- if Mouse.Target and Mouse.Target.ClassName ~='Terrain'then
- end
- end
- if key 'e'then
- for i,v inpairs(workspace:GetChildren())do
- ifstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'bush')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'tree')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'ice')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'rock')then
- if v.ClassName 'Part'or v.ClassName 'Union'then
- for i =1,50do
- wait()
- end)
- end
- spawn(function()
- Damage(v.PrimaryPart)
- end
- elseif game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayerFromCharacter(v)then
- for i =1,50do
- wait()
- end)
- end
- end
- if part:IsDescendantOf(Player.Character)thenreturnnilend
- if part and part.Parent and part.Parent.Parent then
- for i =1,5* strength do
- end
- elseif part.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild('Head')then
- Damage(part.Parent.Parent.Head)
- else
- for i,v inpairs(part.Parent:GetChildren())do
- ifstring.find(v.ClassName:lower(),'part')or v.ClassName 'Union'then
- Damage(v)
- end
- end
- for i =1,2.5* strength do
- end
- end
- local myPos =function()
- end
- Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- --warn('Pressed v, Kill Aura made by Floof and bypassed by Hamii!')
- for i, v inpairs(workspace.Critters:GetChildren())do
- local Pos = v.HumanoidRootPart.Position
- if Distance <= Aura_Range then
- end
- local Pos = v.Torso.Position
- if Distance <= Aura_Range then
- end
- local Part =nil
- ifstring.find(v.ClassName:lower(),'part')or v.ClassName 'Union'then
- end
- ifstring.find(v.ClassName:lower(),'part')or v.ClassName 'Union'then
- end
- orange(Part,14)
- end
- wait()
- for i,v inpairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers())do
- local HRP = v.Character:findFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
- local Distance =(HRP.Position - myPos()).magnitude
- orange(HRP,15)
- end
- end
- for i,v inpairs(workspace:GetChildren())do
- ifstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'bush')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'ice')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'tree')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'node')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'wall')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'stone')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'mound')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'rope')or v:findFirstChild('PrimaryPart')or v:findFirstChild('Health')or v:findFirstChild('Torso')or v:findFirstChild('HitShell')then
- for i,v inpairs(v:GetChildren())do
- ifstring.find(v.ClassName:lower(),'part')or v.ClassName 'Union'then
- end
- ifstring.find(v.ClassName:lower(),'part')or v.ClassName 'Union'then
- end
- local Distance =(Part.Position - myPos()).magnitude
- orange(Part,7)
- end
- end
- for i,v inpairs(workspace.Deployables:GetChildren())do
- ifstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'wall')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'gate')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'raft')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'boat')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'hut')orstring.find(v.Name:lower(),'Health')or v:findFirstChild('PrimaryPart')or v:findFirstChild('Torso')then
- for i,v inpairs(v:GetChildren())do
- ifstring.find(v.ClassName:lower(),'part')or v.ClassName 'Union'then
- end
- ifstring.find(v.ClassName:lower(),'part')or v.ClassName 'Union'then
- end
- local Distance =(Part.Position - myPos()).magnitude
- orange(Part,7)
- end
- end
- end)
by Updated : Nov 25, 2019 in Hacked Games
Finally we have a Dungeon Quest Hack, you can use it on both Android and ios devices. Prepare for unusual adventures! The demons have conquered the fairy-tale world and now it will be necessary for you to save it with the government of monsters and restore peace to these areas. Dungeon Quest mod apk combines role-playing fun and puzzles, which for you should become a way to safely realize your own goal. Make a unique hero and, together with him, study the whole threat approach, in which you will eventually transform from a stranger to a true fable of peace Dungeon Quest hack! Direct the hero to protect society and gain fame.
Short review
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Dungeon Quest hack ways
Dungeon Quest roblox hack – This is a complete, terrific world in a magical world, where you are likely to be the biggest winner – the rescuer of society. The secret is that Dungeon Quest Cheats, are free and completely safe. So you don’t get banned. Join millions of investors and work with them to learn your own personal approach to splendor in this fun. In it, by the way, does not necessarily perform on-line, what gives it the superiority of other similar games. Travel according to a three-dimensional society, studying any place and open all secrets without exception Dungeon Quest. Download now and move in the approach!
Dungeon Quest Cheats for Coins (for Android)
- Dungeon Quest Coins hack – a9-f5bc266c9fc
- Character Save Slot 2 – cf-f73fd69de08 ($0.99)
- Character Save Slot 3 – fe-28ff3ce80ac ($0.99)
- .99 Gold Purchase – c9-343c7ea8d1f ($0.99)
- 1.99 Gold Purchase – 5e-b336a3fbca3 ($1.99)
- Multi Boost – eb-cd7645aa8e3 ($4.99)
- Premium Stash – a5-8ed806e0ce7 ($4.99)
- 4.99 Gold Purchase – a9-682546eca6e ($4.99)
- Experience Boost – 7b-e9470c887b0 ($0.99)
- Luck Potion – f6-e6af7904830 ($0.99)
- Pet Slime: Random Stats – c9-bdadc916e99 ($0.99)
- Free In-App Purchases – 7f-277debcb672
Dungeon Quest Cheat Codes for free In-App Purchases (for iOS)
- Dungeon Quest Coins hack – fc-f5bc266c9a9
- Character Save Slot 2 – 08-f73fd69decf ($0.99)
- Character Save Slot 3 – ac-28ff3ce80fe ($0.99)
- .99 Gold Purchase – 1f-343c7ea8dc9 ($0.99)
- 1.99 Gold Purchase – a3-b336a3fbc5e ($1.99)
- Multi Boost – e3-cd7645aa8eb ($4.99)
- Premium Stash – e7-8ed806e0ca5 ($4.99)
- 4.99 Gold Purchase – 6e-682546ecaa9 ($4.99)
- Experience Boost – b0-e9470c8877b ($0.99)
- Luck Potion – 30-e6af79048f6 ($0.99)
- Pet Slime: Random Stats – 99-bdadc916ec9 ($0.99)
- Free In-App Purchases – 72-277debcb67f
Graphics Overhaul/Enhancements - We have added several levels of graphical additions to Dungeon Quest. Dynamic Shadows have been added to all areas. Players have full control over the quality of the shadows through the options menu.
Legend and Eternal Legend Crafting - Our new Legend Crafting System allows you to Salvage your unwanted Legend and above items in return for Crafting Dust. If you have already unlocked a Legend item, you can now navigate to the LegendEx and create it for Dust. If you haven't unlocked the item, you'll be able to unlock creation of the Legend item with Dust! This provides a new way to target the Legend items you want while not being a slave to random chance.
Eternal Item Codex Tracking - Not only will you dungeon quest mod apk be able to create Legends item from the LegendEx in Patch 3.0, you'll also be able to create Eternal Legends from the brand new Eternal Tracking Section of the Codex.
Pet Crafting System - To facilitate customizing your pets a bit more, we've enabled the Diamond through Fluorite and Topaz crystals on Pets. The only difference is that these Crystals will consume 5 of each type instead of the usual 1 crystal.
Bug Fixes and System Adjustments:
Stat Change and Reset - Having near 300 stat points was always a bit tedious to assign and respec, so we've cut down the amount of stat points you gain per level from 3 to 1, and have tripled the effectiveness of each Stat. We've also improved the speed a bit of stat dungeon quest hack assigning.
Better Gold Purchase Value
THANK YOU for supporting Dungeon Quest and for helping us make even better games! With recent economy changes and improvement in past patches, the gold purchase had become unfortunately outdated. Each purchase now yields 100 TIMES the amount of gold as they did before!
Embark on a journey to find the best loot and defeat all challengers in this truly free-to-play Offline Action RPG.
Featuring randomized loot, dynamically generated dungeons, and 4 acts each with their own legendary boss awaiting. Journey through unlimited floors of increasingly difficult enemies while collecting the best items possible while competing with your friends in our Battle Arena competitive leagues.
Equip download dungeon quest mod apk your Wizard, Warrior, or Rogue with infinitely customization weapons and armor to help destroy the elemental evils plaguing the land. There are always new ways to vanquish your foes! Upgrade your gear with our Crystal and Mythstone crafting system. Make your character even more powerful using our Gear-Based Skill and Talent system.
Tired of playing alone? Bring your other characters into combat with you to gain experience and loot alongside your hero using our Hireling system. Or maybe you'll come across one of the many endearing companions included in our Pet system!
Features Include:
• Play for as long as you want not content or pay walls
• Equip your Wizard, Warrior, or Rogue Dungeon Quest Coins hack with amazing randomized loot you find on your adventure!
• Never fight in the same dungeon twice! Climb your way through more than unlimited randomly generated floors.
• Test your skill against one of 4 Legendary bosses at the end of every Act!
• Bring your other characters into your adventures using the new Hireling System!
• Manage your player AI to create your own army of adventures!
• Native Controller integration for bluetooth with HID support!
• Customize the dungeon's difficulty and rewards by choose between 8 enemy power levels.
• New Pet System that lets you choose a follower to aid in your journey.
We are dedicated to making Dungeon Quest the best ARPG on mobile! New content will be added regularly, so follow us on either our forums, Twitter, or Facebook to get the latest news!
Featuring randomized loot, dynamically generated dungeons, and 4 acts each with their own legendary boss awaiting. Journey through unlimited floors of increasingly difficult enemies while collecting the best items possible and competing with your friends in our Battle Arena competitive leagues.
Equip your Wizard, Warrior, or Rogue with infinitely customizable weapons and armor to help destroy the elemental evils plaguing the land. There are always new ways to vanquish your foes! Upgrade your gear with dungeon quest cheats our Crystal and Mythstone crafting system. Make your character even more powerful using our Gear-Based Skill and Talent system.
Tired of playing alone? Bring your other characters into combat with you to gain experience and loot alongside your hero using our Hireling system. Or maybe you'll come across one of the many endearing companions included in our Pet system!
Features Include:
• Play for as long as you want no content or pay walls
• Equip your Wizard, Warrior, or Rogue with amazing randomized loot you find on your adventure!
• Never fight in the same dungeon twice! dungeon quest codes Climb your way through unlimited randomly generated floors.
• Test your skill against one of 4 Legendary bosses at the end of every Act!
• Bring your other characters into your adventures using the new Hireling System!
•Manage your player AI to create your own army of Adventurers!
• Native Controller integration for iOS7 with full HUD support!
• Customize the Dungeons' difficulty and rewards by choose between 8 enemy power levels.
• New Pet System that lets you choose a follower to aid in your journey.
Devices Supported:
iPhone 4 and higher devices
iPod Touch dungeon quest roblox hack 5th Gen and higher devices
iPad 2 and higher devices
We are dedicated to making Dungeon Quest the best ARPG on mobile! New content will be added regularly, so follow us on our forums, Twitter, or Facebook to get the latest news!
Please give us your feedback or comments, and help us make Dungeon Quest even BETTER!
Email us for support: [email protected]
Talk with us and other players on our Forums:
Follow our updates on Facebook:
Send us a Tweet:
All ways to hack Dungeon Quest
Further we will consider the most popular hacking methods.

1. Use the Mod
Dungeon Quest Mod Apk - is a modified installation file of original game, whicc can give you free Coins, and more else.
Download Dungeon Quest 3.0.9 Mod
Updating several in game icons and bug fixes to allow compatibility the the Apple TV version of Dungeon Quest.
If you have any issues with this update please reach out to us via Twitter, our Player Forums, or our [email protected] email address.
Thanks for playing!!
Download Dungeon Quest 3.0.8 Mod
This patch fixes a bug that only occurred when using an MFI controller when playing Dungeon Quest. With this fix you can now navigate the consent menu.
We have updated Dungeon Quest to be GDPR compliant. All players will be required to consent to sharing some personal information (for example your email address) in order to use the online features for Dungeon Quest. If you have any questions please email: [email protected]
You can learn more about the GDPR here:
Download Dungeon Quest 3.0.7 Mod
We have updated Dungeon Quest to be GDPR compliant. All players will be required to consent to sharing some personal information (for example your email address) in order to use the online features for Dungeon Quest. If you have any questions please email: [email protected]
You can learn more about the GDPR here:
Download Dungeon Quest 3.0.6 Mod
This update will address a bug that will not allow some player accounts to update their account passwords. This process should now work correctly, please let us know if you have any other issues or problems!
Download Dungeon Quest 3.0.5 Mod
Fixed two issues as detailed:
Battle Arena Summary screen bug
Battle Arena round summary screen bug.
Download Dungeon Quest 3.0.4 Mod
Added support for iPhone X devices (resolution)
Added support for Holiday Vanity Items
Updated game engine to provide stability for iOS 11
Download Dungeon Quest 3.0.3 Mod
Dungeon Quest Roblox Script Hack
Added access to our new game wiki on the Main Menu. Please share your knowledge with our community!
Updated our in game Ad frequency to address a bug that caused an ad to play each level load. Now ads ads appear on loading screens much less often (2 to 3 per hour).
Fixes several bugs introduced in patch 3.0.2.
Addressed an issue with cartographer and enslaver enemies appearing in early game levels.
Adding more control options.
Thank you for playing and supporting our game!
Download Dungeon Quest 3.0.2 Mod
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Fixed an issue that prevented user settings from being saved from the options menu. Shadow settings in options are now correctly saved.
Purchasing the Auto-Map reveal will now correctly remove all ads.
Download Dungeon Quest 3.0.1 Mod
This update fixes a several issues found in the last update:
1) Stat points should now be added correctly to your character
2) Shadow intensity settings are now saved properly after exit
Download Dungeon Quest 3.0.0 Mod
Dungeon Quest Patch 3.0
Full patch notes here:
New Features:
Graphics Overhaul/Enhancements - We have added several levels of graphical additions to Dungeon Quest. Dynamic Shadows have been added to all areas. Players have full control over the quality of the shadows through the options menu.
Legend and Eternal Legend Crafting - Our new Legend Crafting System allows you to Salvage your unwanted Legend and above items in return for Crafting Dust. If you have already unlocked a Legend item, you can now navigate to the LegendEx and create it for Dust. If you haven't unlocked the item, you'll be able to unlock creation of the Legend item with Dust! This provides a new way to target the Legend items you want while not being a slave to random chance.
Eternal Item Codex Tracking - Not only will you be able to create Legends item from the LegendEx in Patch 3.0, you'll also be able to create Eternal Legends from the brand new Eternal Tracking Section of the Codex.
Pet Crafting System - To facilitate customizing your pets a bit more, we've enabled the Diamond through Fluorite and Topaz crystals on Pets. The only difference is that these Crystals will consume 5 of each type instead of the usual 1 crystal.
Bug Fixes and System Adjustments:
Dungeon Quest Account System - We have applied a cool down system to our DQ Account system for save game backups. Please contact [email protected] if you have any issues.
Stat Change and Reset - Having near 300 stat points was always a bit tedious to assign and respec, so we've cut down the amount of stat points you gain per level from 3 to 1, and have tripled the effectiveness of each Stat. We've also improved the speed a bit of stat assigning.
Better Gold Purchase Value
THANK YOU for supporting Dungeon Quest and for helping us make even better games! With recent economy changes and improvement in past patches, the gold purchase had become unfortunately outdated. Each purchase now yields 100 TIMES the amount of gold as they did before!
Download Dungeon Quest 2.4.5 Mod
The Holiday Vanity Set is BACK!
During the week of December 25th all players will receive a free holiday vanity set for each character!
New Fallen Vanity set added!
New Demonic Set Affix set has been added to the game.
For a limited time grab a free Demonic Slime from your in game message system. This pet will be available until the end of December 2016.
Full Features/Patch Notes:
New Skin - Demonic
New Bundle - Ascended Demonic
New Set - Demonic: Enemies hit by your attacks have (rank)% Reduced Healing for 5 seconds. Increases DMG to enemies below 30% Health by (rank2)%.
Fixed issue with healing more than your total health while using Masochism
Fixing issue with Toxic overwriting Poison DoT damage
Design Adjustments
Coat Weapon
Changed to - Adds 15% to Crit and 25% to Elemental Crit, then doubles both chances for duration.
Heroic Skill - Now Adds 0.75% Crit per rank
Changed to - Doubles chance to dodge for duration
Base CD from 10s to 16s
Internal CD from 4s to 3s
Veil changed to - (rank)% increased Dodge and (rank2)% CoatWeapon duration while stealthed.
Increased Spell Size by 2x
Buff +1% speed to +2.5%.
Change Spell Size to +1% DMG per Pierced.
Whirling Blade
Increased Spell Size by 2x
Increased Damage Multi from 4.5 to 5
Increased Base CD from 2s to 5s
Replaced +1% speed with +2.5% damage per pierce.
Replaced +crit chance with Bleed DMG
Attack Speed and Celerity no longer affects Whirling Blades
Buffed to 2.5%/rank from 1%
Warrior Class Adjustments
Increasing Base damage from 40 to 65
Reducing Base cost from 65 to 40
Knight's Charge
Increase frequency to .125 per second from .25
Changed to - Casting OH Heals (rank)% of missing HP
Wizard Class Adjustments
Reducing Weapon Attack Speed of Wands to 40 from 60
Can now increase APS of Barrage through Hero Skill
All Barrage bolts now seek
Storm size increased from 9 to 15 yards and centered on player
Storm's chance to stun removed, replaced with 100% knock back
Storm's Cooldown increased from 3 seconds to 8
Hit Frequency from Hero Skill increased from 1% to 2.5% per rank.
Download Dungeon Quest 2.4.1 Mod
Patch 2.4.1
Addressed an issue with 'luck' stat not properly displaying on the status screen.
New Battle Area Season 3 has begun!
Added New Battle Arena Vanity Rewards for Season 3.
New Ascendant vanity items have been added to the game. These can be found in the vanity item shop.
New Ascendant Legendary item set has been added to the game.
For a limited time players can get an Ascendant Slime Pet from the in game message system. This free pet will be available until our update in December 2016. Thank you all for your support!!
Download Dungeon Quest 2.4.0 Mod
New Battle Area Season 3 has begun!
Added New Battle Arena Vanity Rewards for Season 3.
New Ascendant vanity items have been added to the game. These can be found in the vanity item shop.
New Ascendant Legendary item set has been added to the game.
Download Dungeon Quest 2.3.6 Mod
New Halloween Vanity Items!
LIMITED TIME!! Starting the week of October 24th 2016 players will receive two free Halloween vanity skins!
Watch your in game message queue for the items and remember only one vanity skin can be equipped at a time!
New Set, Haunting - 15% chance per rank to cast Fear with any skill that has a CD equal to or over 5 seconds. On Fear, enemies take 20% per rank Main Hand Damage.
4 New Haunting Legend Items
Design Updates:
Crushing Blow damage is now colored to match Mod text color
Updating Astral to 'For every 100 All Resist, increase ED% by (rank)%'
Changing default mp regen to be 2% of base mana per second
Additional chakrams produced from mirror, specialist, and elements no longer count against Boomerang or Whirling Blades cooldown detection
Charge no longer causes Knockback
Focus now properly increases WD%
Bug Fixes:
Addressed an issue that would cause display to be cropped on certain devices
Fix for checking Nickname when attempting to open messages Updates to Haunting set
Fixing issue with opening large amounts of reward chests at once
Fixing issue w/ overlapping skins in preview
Fixing issue w/ refreshing skin appearances through Inventory screen
Download Dungeon Quest 2.3.5 Mod
New Halloween Vanity Items!
LIMITED TIME!! Starting the week of October 24th 2016 players will receive two free Halloween vanity skins!
Watch your in game message queue for the items and remember only one vanity skin can be equipped at a time!
New Set, Haunting - 15% chance per rank to cast Fear with any skill that has a CD equal to or over 5 seconds. On Fear, enemies take 20% per rank Main Hand Damage.
4 New Haunting Legend Items
Design Updates:
Crushing Blow damage is now colored to match Mod text color
Updating Astral to 'For every 100 All Resist, increase ED% by (rank)%'
Changing default mp regen to be 2% of base mana per second
Additional chakrams produced from mirror, specialist, and elements no longer count against Boomerang or Whirling Blades cooldown detection
Charge no longer causes Knockback
Focus now properly increases WD%
Bug Fixes:
Fix for checking Nickname when attempting to open messages Updates to Haunting set
Fixing issue with opening large amounts of reward chests at once
Fixing issue w/ overlapping skins in preview
Fixing issue w/ refreshing skin appearances through Inventory screen
Download Dungeon Quest 2.3.1 Mod
New features in patch 2.3.1
See for complete patch notes.
Fixed an issue with the 'Energy' Mythic Item. Deals correct damage now.
Fixed an issue with Slime Pets appearing on the Inventory Screen.
Added 'Test Dummy' to Battle Arena Practice mode
No time limit in Practice mode (you must manually quit the game mode)
Added Custom AI Controls to Practice Mode so players can tweak their Battle Arena Builds
Added new Pet Slimes to the game! 10 to collect each with their own unique Legendary Slime
Added 3 New Item Sets 'Elements' 'Hunger' 'Arcanist'
Convert Process now allows for a max of 1000 items instead of 25
Sort Message in inventory now has a toggle option to remove it in game.
Various Bug Fixes
Various Design Tweaks
Please let us know if you have any issues or feedback:
@DungeonQuest_SB or [email protected]
Thanks for playing!
Download Dungeon Quest Mod
New features in patch 2.3.0
See for complete patch notes.
Added 'Test Dummy' to Battle Arena Practice mode
No time limit in Practice mode (you must manually quit the game mode)
Added Custom AI Controls to Practice Mode so players can tweak their Battle Arena Builds
Added new Pet Slimes to the game! 10 to collect each with their own unique Legendary Slime
Added 3 New Item Sets 'Elements' 'Hunger' 'Arcanist'
Convert Process now allows for a max of 1000 items instead of 25
Sort Message in inventory now has a toggle option to remove it in game.
Various Bug Fixes
Various Design Tweaks
Download Dungeon Quest 2.2.3 Mod
Corrected version 2.2.2, our apologies!
Original update notes:
In app purchase issue resolved - contact [email protected] for any previous IAP issues.
Numerous gameplay fixes.
Thanks for playing Dungeon Quest!
Download Dungeon Quest 2.2.2 Mod
In app purchase issue resolved - contact [email protected] for any previous IAP issues.
Numerous gameplay fixes.
Thanks for playing Dungeon Quest!
Download Dungeon Quest 2.2.1 Mod
Battle Arena Season 2!
New vanity items to collect for each character type.
Please email [email protected] or tweet us @DungeonQuest_SB if you have any problems with our game!
Thanks for playing Dungeon Quest!
Download Dungeon Quest 2.2.0 Mod
- Design/Gameplay Changes
- You now cannot use Peridot on items to reduce their level, or level items beyond the hero's equippable level
- Updating perseverance to min 40 and max 40 to address scaling expectation in BA. Removed Cap.
- Bumping up cerebral vortex reactive CD to 3sec
- Adding a confirmation dialog before sorting inventory
- Moving Crushing Blow calculation after resistance check to ensure damage is based purely on enemy HP
- Epiphany's cap increase now applies to luck, gold find and item quantity properly ( beyond 650 )
- Experience modifiers are now all additive with each other, and displays properly on Adventure Tab
- Experience is now increased by 100% when using a hireling ( to offset experience split )
- Removing level requirement for legend pets since enslavers can be found before level 20 now
- Bugs Addressed
- Fixed an issue where main hand weapon could become corrupted on level load (????? weapo
- Fixing issue with MS/CS not dropping the lowest available
- Fixing issue with Cerebral Vortex activating more than once per second
- Fixing scaling issues w/ pets and ascension levels
- Swapping out a Crystal enabled affix for a non Crystal enabled on Merlin's Pet
- Fixed an issue that would not award the 'Kill Magic Enemies' Game Center achievement
- Fix for odd behaviors when swapping item classes/specials in certain scenarios
- Fixed issue with some Dependent Affixes allowing for Crystal Rarity
- Fix for 'Wrong HP on Hit/MP on Hit range description with Topaz'
- Fix to updating leaderboards when not connected to Game Service
- Fix for 'Smokescreen doesn't hit a random target at Rank 5'
- Showing hero points for ally when ally is 99
- Fixing torrent rotation stopping
- Fix for 'Enigma is casting multiple times per sec'
- Fix for 'Divination has Heroic bonus skill Torrent from Warrior'
- Fix for 'Barbarian % doesn't increase DMG%'
- Fix for hireling frame coloring issue
- Adding support for avoiding duplicate spawn nodes on the same location
- Formatting on bag prices
- Fix for spawning loot while game isnt active
- Fixing issue with swapping chest on main character causing shared experience values to be broken
- Fixing Phalanx giving block chance unintentionally
- Fix for DPS refreshing properly on stats screen when using weapon-only affixes
- Fix for progress bar showing on challenge map pop up notification
- Fixing a few display issues with some stats
- Adding a few new tips
- Enabling 'undo' only in bags
- Adding new tips for Ascension, MS/CS drop rates beyond 100, and obtaining trophies
- Fixing display issue for MS/CS find rate stat for boost purchase
- Fixing issue with empty MS/CS dropping
- Fix for attack speed capping issues + epiphany
- Gold Find is now being properly displayed on Adventure Tab when using boost
- Fix for double stats on hero skills
- Fix for rewarding boosts from feat
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Download Dungeon Quest 2.1.0 Mod
New in Patch 2.1!
Ascension Gameplay Mode added!
Take your characters even further with the addition of this new mode. Once your character reaches level 99
you can choose your first Ascension Perk for your character! (purchase this with in game gold from the Shop)
With 6 Ascension Perks to choose from there will always be more powerful loot and gear to find!
Updated Battle Arena System:
Gear Up for Battle Arena Season 2!
League and Division placement is now based entirely on your matchmaking rating
All new Arena Level system is used to unlock new vanity Auras. Each match played earns you experience!
Removed League Points
Chests earned from Arena now have a chance to be Rare, Epic, Legend or Eternal.
New Item Affix Types:
Dependent Affix - Gain a bonus once you reach the requirement described on the item. This will reward players who like to use
builds not typically seen or used in the various game modes for DQ.
Negative Affix - Collect the new Seven Deadly Sins set to benefit from extremely powerful items....only if you can overcome their
Other Additions:
Added Random Pet's back to the game for Purchase
Added 45 new Legend Items
Added 9 new Item Sets
New 31 new Item Affixes
Various UI updates to Player Stat screens
Balance updates
Download Dungeon Quest 2.0.4 Mod
Bug Fix: Addressed an issue that would cause 'black bars' to appear on some apple devices
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! We wanted to say THANK YOU to all our of our Dungeon Quest players and to that we are giving each and every player special Holiday Character Skins!
Starting the week of December 21st 2015 every player who has our game will be able to receive free Holiday Chest Armor and Holiday Shoulder Armor.
We will deliver these through the in game messaging system so make sure you sign into your DQ Account on the main menu to get added to our message list!
Again, thank you for playing and we wish you a Happy Holiday from everyone at ShinyBox!
Dungeon Quest Level Hack
Download Dungeon Quest 2.0.3 Mod
Dungeon Quest Roblox Cheat
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! We wanted to say THANK YOU to all our of our Dungeon Quest players and to that we are giving each and every player special Holiday Character Skins!
Starting the week of December 21st 2015 every player who has our game will be able to receive free Holiday Chest Armor and Holiday Shoulder Armor.
We will deliver these through the in game messaging system so make sure you sign into your DQ Account on the main menu to get added to our message list!
Again, thank you for playing and we wish you a Happy Holiday from everyone at ShinyBox!

Download Dungeon Quest 2.0.2 Mod
New Features:
•Added the ability to have a 'Fixed' Virtual Control Stick as well as 'Floating' Control Stick
Open the Options Menu
Press the Control Button
•Choose 'Floating' V-Stick to have a free moving Virtual Control Stick
•Choose 'Fixed' V-Stick to have a stationary Virtual Control Stick
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue that would cause the Floating V-Stick to reset to the side of the screen on when opening some Dialogue Boxes
Please contact us directly if you need any help or have any problems with Dungeon Quest
Email: [email protected]
Player Forums:
Twitter: DungeonQuest_SB
2. Use the Cheat Codes
Dungeon Quest Cheats - is a simplest way to hack the game and get free Coins, and more else. All list of cheat codes that we have, you can see above. But not everyone knows how to use them. For those who do not know how to use cheat codes, we created an instruction.
3. Use the Unlimitizer
Dungeon Quest Unlimitizer - is a small app, that can manage numerical values in any games and applications. So you can change some value of resource you need to some else. This is an exclusive application developed by our team, and you can download it only from our website.